Friday, October 7, 2011


" Di restoran, jika kita meminta cawan, maka kita hanya akan mendapat cawan..
namun, jika kita minta air, maka kita dapat cawan dan air sekali..
macam tu juga kalau kita minta dunia, maka Allah akan bagi dunia,
kalau kita minta syurga, maka Allah akan berikan syurga dan dunia sekali..."

Sunday, October 2, 2011

the un-meeting mood

greetings to all of my nakama...

now. I'm writing in the middle of the meeting for the PROTAZ fiesta..
quite a gut there I have... hahaha
what the fish!!! fishmonger...
I want to make my own head today...

it such like rebel in silent
auch, like my new style in meeting...
what people want to say it depends...
coz now I'm not in mood...

but my mood with my corby,
my new beloved super duper new one...

although it is not an android kind, but I love it..
my third phone in my life... :)

like it the very muchooo...
alright, now back to the what so ever meeting... :P


*what a mess